Ruzaliya Garipova

Rosie Garipova

ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach

When it comes to health and fitness, I believe in sustainability over all else! Sure, there are great "12-week programs, 1-month challenges, 90-day transformations", but by the end of the day, when you finish that, what's next? Do you want to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle, produce a long-lasting result? So why wait? Time to get ready to transform your body and discover a healthier, happier and fitter you! When working with clients, I like to build from the ground up. Instead of handing you a meal plan, I teach you how to build your own. Lift weights, build confidence, lift your spirit and elevate your lifestyle by joining the Surreal Body App Fitness Programs and one-on-one personalized coaching. I cannot wait to witness your progress and celebrate your wins. Let us make this journey together, creating lasting change and realizing the amazing results you deserve.

Rosie Garipova
Rosie Garipova
Rosie Garipova